Sunday, December 17, 2017

The K-Pop Book Tag

Hello-Hello, fellow readers! Today is a perfect day for a book tag, a K-Pop inspired tag. I was tagged a while back by the amazing creator of this tag, Savannah, from @TheBookProphet. Thank you!  If you are curious to check out her answers and blog, you can just click the link I put above.
As many of you know, K-Pop has entered the western culture and it becomes more popular each day. This book tag combines two amazing things Korean culture and books. Some of you might be newbies or you never heard of K-Pop. Now, there is a chances to experience something new. I, myself, am a Korean drama lover. If you are interested, here is the link to my Korean Drama Top Favorites post.
Without further ado, let us start this tag!
But first, here are the rules.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Why LA? Pourqoi Paris? Book Review

paris, la, book, travel guide, information

Hello-Hello! I finally put this review on the world wide web after an unexpected leave of absence from book blogging. I prioritized reading and  book pictures. ^^
Below is a sneak peak of my Why LA? Pourqoi Paris? review. 
Have you ever been to Paris or LA? I can proudly say that I have. Only to Paris… And by being in Paris, I mean that I spent a maximum of an hour or two there. The majority of that time, I was in a bus station taking a break – bathroom and gas tank refill. It was a beautiful dark station with amazing bathrooms. Yes, I had to pay 50¢ (euros) for the toilet. Besides the station, I had the chances to see La Seine, the river that crosses Paris, and a few random buildings from the bus window. Now, you understand why I need to go back there?
Speaking of which, this book was a great catalyst to remember my love for France and French culture. With the American culture, I am well acquainted already. Wink-Wink. And regardless of my previous knowledge about these amazing cities, Diane Ratican’s travel guide poked my interest in them again...