Wednesday, February 15, 2017

La Belle et la Bête or, how the English are calling it, Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête movie

Hello-Hello! Today I am bringing you another foreign movie. It is called - hence the title of this post - La belle et la bête or Beauty and the Beast. I know that a lot of you are excited - myself included - for the upcoming Disney live action adaptation musical of Beauty and the Beast to hit theaters on March 17, 2017.
So, I thought it will be a great idea to talk about the French adaptation from 2014 since March is almost here and February is also the month of love in lots of cultures.
Yes, you "heard"/read me right! It is a French movie. And yes, the whole cast is talking in French, despite Vincent Cassel playing the beast.
Some of you will say, "Duh! He is a French actor. What is your point?" Well, my point is that until 2014, when I saw this movie on a plane, I did not know that! Shocking. I know. Thus, I am assuming that other people know him more for his English movies like Black Swan and Jason Bourne.
 Anyway, back to the French La Belle et la Bête! 
Let me tell you this: This movie is freaking amazing!
I've watched it two or three times already. Ignore the cheesy poster because I couldn't find a better one to depict how epic this movie is.
Did I forget to mention the Beast's cape?

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art 

First, let's talk about the visuals!
This film deserves to be watched for the special effects only. They are that incredible. I mean, just look of a couple of concept arts I put throughout this post!
The fairytale atmosphere was successfully created. As a viewer I was mesmerized of how real everything felt. Vibrant colors. Breath taking images. I loved that there was no overuse of the dark filter (excuse the lack of  better technical terms) to depict the era of the story or the darker themes. Everything feels and seems real.

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art

The storyline. Well... You know the basics -ish! It is more based on the real Beauty and the Beast than the Disney version. Of course, there are lots of twists.
Belle is from a big family. She has two brothers, two sisters, and a father. Her father is a merchant who loses everything and the family is forced to move in the country side.
Go, watch it!
I do not feel like spoiling you so I am going to say the minimum minimorum.
We have a more mature love story and not the cute-roses-and-doves type going on. I was able to sense the sexual tension between the protagonists.
Also, we get to see in detail why the prince became the beast in the first place.
So, what are you waiting for, beside finishing to read this post?
Go watch it!

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art

Another contributing factor to this epic retelling was the acting. The actors were able to make the story flow and feel real. Nothing felt forced. I was able to connect and feel.
The feels! Let me tell you: The Beast has the most intense facial expressions I have ever seen!
I know. I know. I am using too many exclamation points because I am that exited to talk about this movie. :D

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art

The music is the secret ingredient to complete the fairytale atmosphere.
What can I say? I love instrumental music especially movie scores. Consider my opinion biased about this topic. ;)

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art

Just think of it! How cool is it to have the "story as old as time" (quote from Disney's Beauty and the Beast) told in its original language?
It is romantic.
It is sexy.
It is the language of love.

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art

The movie has its flaws and some small plot holes.
Nothing is perfect!
Do not let small details to obscure the overall story.
Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art
More concept art

Beauty and the Beast, La Belle et la Bête, movie concept art
More concept art
I hope you enjoyed this post.
And I hope I was able to convinced you to watch the movie.
Be Happy!
Be Loved!
And offer love!
Movie Trailer

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