Monday, November 20, 2017

Melody Obsession of the Week Brought to You by Me, Presents Ellie Goulding Don’t Need Nobody

music madness, music, music notes, music symbols, art, drawing, sketch

Hello-Hello! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted one of these. The same old excuse: I had to pull out from the closet my superhero cape because of reality. “You gotta do what you gotta do,” they say. “Who are they,” you ask. Let’s call it pop culture.
The good news is that I had time for reading books...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Hello-Hello! It's been quite a while since I last post something.
Well, let's just say that life needed me to be a hero again. Life before hobbies.
Don't worry, I got to read a book here and there. I just have difficulties uploading content on my blog even though I have lots of ideas on paper.
Anyway... BIG! No, HUGE NEWS!
 Another reason I hadn't post much lately is that I was working on my new blog which is the same as this blog but fancier. 
So yeah! 
I am working on the new blog website. Yes, it is functional. Yes, you can go check it out. But, spoiler alert! I am still working to improve and get my way around it. I am still a newbie so bear with me for a while until I get everything sorted out.
And this is the link to my new but same blog -->

I am still keeping this blog up. So do not worry, you will be able to find me. ^_^